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If you have any issues, send me an email and I will help you with the process.

Essential Oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Essential oils have been used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits.
Did you know that a lot of the products we are using in our homes on a daily basis are FULL of toxins? Once I started investigating it, I was shocked at how many products contain harmful ingredients. It is almost criminal that companies are allowed to put things in products that are so harmful and toxic. Petroleum, parabens, sulphates and more. So many of us have been (unknowingly) using these products on ourselves and on the people we love so much!
dōTERRA has a whole range of On Guard products that you can use at home – That are Toxic free, that work and that save you money.
Find out how you can become a Wholesale Member and save 25% or how to start your own oils business by calling me or visiting my website for more info at: