Good Health

Why MLM’s are not all bad
Why MLM's are not all bad

Why MLM’s are not all bad:

MLM’s have a bad reputation because of pushy people trying to get you to sign up and build a business, invest a certain amount every month to get paid and recruit others relentlessly.  That is really unfortunate because MLM’s have some of the best products.  The reason is because they put a lot of money into research and development not advertising.  They have free advertising from their team builders.  Genius really.
Another thing that people don’t realize is the size of MLM’s and the amount of people they employ such as customer service staff, shipping, and warehouse staff, research and development teams, legal teams, human resources, building maintenance, and every other position that is required to run a giant company.  And then there’s all the Independent builders that are making a living selling the products, not to mention the businesses they support by sourcing their materials from them.
I personally belong to several MLM’s not because I’m building the business but because I think the products are awesome and I use them.  I do share the products and I make a little extra income but I’m in no way ever gonna get get rich from it or will I ever try to grow the business by chasing down people.  If someone is interested I will sign people up to get the wholesale price  and educate them on the product(s).  If they want to build a business I will help with that too but I will never push anyone.  I love the convenience of having amazing products delivered to me, I love the fact that my products help create jobs for people around the world, I love that the products I use are quality products with great health benefits and that these companies give back to the communities and support individuals having their own small businesses so that they can support their families and spend more time with them.  This is why MLM’s are not all bad and I can overlook the pushy people that are involved in some of them cause not everyone is pushy, some are just trying to make a living selling a great product they really believe in.  I love the fact that I’m supporting other businesses besides the big box stores that seem to dominate everything and exploit their employees.